Business and Management

Extend Your Boundaries With a Crane Truck!

A tow truck is a vehicle equipped with an engine for lifting, lowering or moving the material is loaded horizontally or vertically. This simple yet highly functional machine can perform well beyond normal human capability.

These vehicles are very practical for use in various industries. In the transportation industry, they are used for loading and unloading cargo. In the construction industry, a truck used to lift materials, low or mobile construction. If you are looking for crane manufacturers then you are in the right place.

Tow truck

This is the type of vehicle that is fitted with a hydraulically operated crane or boom. This machine has its own engine and chassis mounted on rubber wheels.

It can operate like a crane and yet can be easily moved from one location to another even when carrying a load.

The truck-mounted type which is convenient because they can move over streets and highways; they also offer flexibility in cargo and load-handling in an efficient manner.

When working on a job site in a stationary capacity, the vehicle is equipped with the foot outrigger-type legs that extend horizontally and vertically from the bottom of the truck.

Rough Terrain Cranes

Another type of vehicle is rugged terrain self-propelled boom mounted on a truck and is designed for off-road and / or rugged applications.

They are used to lift and carry materials for construction projects, building bridges and even the use by some chemical plants.

Grove rough terrain truck crane introduced first to market in 1959 and Tadano is the first to develop these vehicles in a single machine. Equipped with the tire industry, he has the strength to go through all sorts of terrain and can carry a considerable burden while in the carry mode.