Business and Management

How to Overcome Thumb Sucking?

Thumb sucking is a very common habit that is found in many kids from a very tender age. Reasons for this problem may vary from hunger, pleasure, comfort, and safety.

Some children are more nervous, shy or insecure than others, and may use thumb sucking to relieve tension. Others may resort to thumb-sucking to relieve boredom or maybe when they are tired or upset. You can also buy the best quality finger sucking guard to avoid finger sucking habits of your child.

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They can also use their thumb to fall asleep lying down and soothe themselves back to sleep when they wake up in the middle of the night.

The good news is that thumb sucking is common in smaller children, which tends to disappear in two or three years. But if the child is still doing it at the age of four then it will be tension for parents.

In some cases, kids do not start out sucking on their thumb. Some start with other things such as toys, pillows, etc.

Some tips to stop the habit of thumb sucking:

  • Focus more on why the child sucks their thumb. Most children can use thumb sucking calm anxiety or insecurity.
  • Involve the child with the selection of a stop method such as stop thumb sucking glove if they are older.
  • Get professional help to explain the effects of thumb sucking on the child.
  • Put a bandage in hand can be a reminder to stop thumb sucking.