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Everything You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening procedures involve the use of bleaching agents to lighten teeth. These agents can be effective in removing darkened tooth enamel and making teeth appear whiter. Whitening results may vary depending on your individual skin tone, tooth shade, and other surrounding teeth. There are a variety of bleaching methods available, including over-the-counter kits and professional treatments.

If you are looking for a teeth whitening treatment that can be done at home, you may check here Vista Dental.

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Before using any whitening agent, it is important to consult with a dentist or healthcare provider to determine if whitening is an appropriate option for you. Teeth whitening should not be used as a replacement for proper dental hygiene and regular dental checkups.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth whitening is a popular beauty treatment that can make teeth appear brighter and more evenly colored. The treatment works by removing surface stains, called tartar, from teeth. Whitening toothpaste contains active ingredients that break down the tartar and make the tooth whites look whiter. In some cases, a whitening gel may also be used.

The process of teeth whitening usually takes several sessions over several weeks. Bleaching lightens the color of your teeth but can also cause sensitivity and tooth damage. Some common side effects of bleaching include mild staining, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, and uneven coloring around the edge of your smile.