
Pick The Best Perfect Toilet

The toilet is known by many names. Everything from “loo”, “john” and even “throne” the toilet is, for many reasons, often the centerpiece of most bathrooms today. Regardless of what style of bathroom you have, you’ll want a toilet that completely compliments your overall design plan for that room.

You definitely don’t want a pokey-looking, cheap toilet anywhere in the bathroom – it would totally take away from the look of the room itself. An important point is to never simply assume that all toilets are created equal. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

For many years 5.5 litre and 3.5 litre best lowflush toilets were the standards in most homes. Now, however, there’s a move towards what is referred to as “low flow” toilets.

Our Products - High Efficiency Toilets - Water Matrix

They do this by only using 1.6 liters of water to achieve the same flushing performance as the other high water usage toilets. This reduced water usage will obviously save you money on both your waste and water bills each year.

There is one single issue with the new style of water-conserving toilets and that is that you really do get what you pay for. If you buy an unbranded “low flow” toilet then you’ll probably spend more time having it fixed than you ever saved on the initial cost price.

Do not skimp on the cost of installing a high quality low flow toilet – you’ll regret it for longer than you can imagine. There’s nothing worse in any family home than the toilet packing up and causing unnecessary stress.