Home and Garden

How to Choose a Bonsai Tree

A bonsai tree is grown in a container or pot and trained to produce a desired effect or shape. There are different types of bonsai trees that you can find for keeping indoors. While most people select a bonsai tree depending on how good it looks, you should also think about the environment to make the right choice.


The first thing you should think about is where you are going to place the bonsai tree. This is important because bonsai trees can be found in different sizes. Thus, you need to buy the right size for the space where you plan to keep it. For instance, if you want to place it on a windowsill, you can get one that grows a couple of inches tall.


While most of the bonsai trees lots of light, there are some that need specific conditions to flourish. Therefore, the environment is another factor that you should consider when you are buying a bonsai tree. Some of them require regular watering, others need to be kept out of direct sunlight and so on. You do not want to import bonsai from Japan only to find out you cannot offer it the right environment.


You also need to buy a healthy plant if you want it to grow properly. There are some key signs that can help you choose a healthy bonsai tree. The branches should be evenly distributed and not be crisscrossed. The leaves of the tree should be a lush green color and not have any discoloration. The roots should be anchored securely into the pot and stick out of the soil slightly. Lastly, make sure that the surface of the tree trunk is smooth and it is thicker at the bottom rather than the top.

As long as you take these factors into account, you can buy the best bonsai tree for your needs.