Business and Management

What Is The Best Rooting Medium For Clones?

There are a number of options you can use as a medium to root your marijuana branches – such as soil, peat pellets, and rock wool cubes. There are also patented variants of this medium, such as the Rapid Rooter starter plug.

Each of these root media has different characteristics – you should choose the one that best fits your needs. We'll explain this below. You can also opt for San Bernardino clones for sale to get the best marijuana clones.

When should you pour marijuana clones?

First of all, you just need to keep the root environment moist. After the first few days, you'll want to start advertising.

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There are several options that you can use as a medium for rooting your marijuana branches – e.g. soil, peat pellets, and rock wool cubes. There are also patented variants of this medium, such as the B Rapid Rooter starter plug.

Each of these root media has different characteristics – you should choose the one that best fits your needs. We'll explain this below:

When should you pour marijuana clones?

First of all, you just need to keep the root environment moist. After the first few days, you should apply a little water around the root area.

It's ideal to keep water away from the roots – but make sure the main root area is still moist. Depending on the humidity and temperature around you, you may need to monitor your clones more closely for signs that they need water.